Welcome to English Pronunciation Online.
This blog is a commented classified compilation of a wide range of sites about pronunciation, listening and speaking skills. You can find here more than 100 direct links to free web pages that we consider can be of great help to researches, teachers and students alike.
If you know a free web page on oral skills that is not included here, we'd appreciate your contribution.
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This blog was created and updated as part of a virtual-immersion programme granted by the Xunta de Galicia. Consellería de Economía e Industria (INCITE09394316PR)

14. Evaluation / Evaluación

This issue in pronunciation has traditionally been discussed in many forums. Admitting the difficulties involved in the matter, some of the works in this section insist that it is necessary and go on to provide specific lines of action.

El tema de la evaluación en la pronunciación ha sido tradicionalmente objeto de debate en numerosos foros. En este apartado se presentan una serie de trabajos que, reconociendo la dificultad que conlleva, insisten en su necesidad y proporcionan líneas concretas de actuación.

14.1. Testing some Supresegmental Features of English Speech
Mehmet Celik (1999)

This is a brief article highlighting the importance of assessing English suprasegmental features and formulas for doing so.

Breve artículo sobre la importancia de evaluar los rasgos suprasegmentales del inglés y las fórmulas para llevarlo a cabo.

14.2. Testing Listening
Kathleen Kitao ( 1996)

In this work the need to assess oral reception through different levels is analysed: discrimination between sounds, discrimination of accent and intonation formulae, and short and long texts comprehension. It also analyses the usual forms of assessment and highlights their limitations.

Trabajo que analiza la necesidad de evaluar la recepción oral a través de diferentes niveles: la discriminación entre sonidos, la discriminación de fórmulas de acento y entonación y la comprensión de textos breves y largos. Analiza las habituales formas de evaluación y destaca sus limitaciones.

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